PATHWAYS Volume 11, Number 1 March, 1999
Focus: Project Managers Face New Challenges
Organizations today are finding that project management must be one of their "core competencies". As organizations evolve new strategies and tactics, they create "projects" to achieve their goals. Those projects become essential to the short- and long-term success of the organization. Thus, the project management role has taken on even greater importance that it had in the past.
In this type of project-oriented environment, the success of each project becomes critical to the success of the organization. As a result, the individuals performing the project management role can only be successful if their projects are successfully completed
¾ on time and within budget¾ with satisfied executive sponsors, pleased clients, and ideally, a fulfilled project team.Unfortunately, project managers today face growing pressures in their pursuit of the organizations initiatives. To meet competitive demands, organizations must deliver their products and services
These pressures impact virtually every project in every organization, regardless of product or service line. With expectations of project managers increasing, and constraints on how they are able to carry out their duties also increasing, it is a little surprising projects ever succeed. But, since these challenges are unlikely to disappear, organizations need to focus on ways of assisting project managers in their duties.
In the At Issue section Van O. Wright, FLI's Manager of Product Quality Control, examines the pressures in more depth, then describes some actions the organization
¾ and project managers themselves¾ should consider to cope with these challenges.John C. Wills
Changing Expectations of the Project Manager
Little has changed over the past decade in the basic functions project managers perform. Typical functions include:
While these functions remain much the same as ever, todays project manager faces a wide array of new challenges that "go with the role."
Here are a few that seem typical:
None of these challenges is likely to go away soon, if ever. The project manager is expected to meet these challenges while still effectively performing the traditional PM functions.
The Challenges Comprise both Expectations of and Constraints on Project Management
Project managers are faced with an array of expectations they may never before have faced. At the same time, they face growing constraints upon the their level of control and availability of resources. The following table summarizes many of the key expectations and constraints.
Typical Expectations |
Typical Constraints |
Coping With the Challenge
Given these seemingly conflicting expectations and constraints, how can project managers possibly expect to succeed? What can be done to help ensure successful project management, given what has been discussed?
Actually, there are things individual project managers can do to enhance their skills and knowledge. Of equal importance, the organization can do much to support project management, thereby helping ensure organizational success.
Project Manager Self-development
If you are a project manager, youll probably find few surprises here. Self-development is just that
¾ no one can learn for you. Here are a few recommended avenues:Organizational Support
It is to the organizations benefit to reduce obstacles to project success. In general, the organization has two avenues available. Help project managers build their project management talents, and reduce organizational obstacles.
To help project managers in their self-development efforts, the organization can:
To reduce organizational obstacles to project success, the organization can:
In Summary
The project managers job is more challenging than ever before, and those challenges are unlikely to disappear. But organizations and individuals can do much to mitigate or eliminate the impediments and constraints project managers face
Van O. Wright, Ph.D.
Manager, Product Quality Control
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Volume 10, Number 4 - Nov 1998 | Volume
11, Number 1 - 1999
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