PATHWAYS - Volume 8, Number 4 - Nov 1996
The Internet is a rapidly growing medium for businesses to conduct business
communications, marketing, and public relations. The most popular Internet protocol is the
World Wide Web. Virtually every major U.S. corporation has at least one site on the
"Web." The uses to which enterprises have put websites are diverse, and new ones
appear daily. The following table lists a few.
Typical Business Uses of the Internet |
In the At Issue section, we offer ideas on how to create the content for a website.
We are purposely avoiding technical and configuration issues associated with a website;
instead, we offer ideas for getting started right and provide tips for good website
John C. Wills, President
We'll assume, here, that you have heard a good deal about the Internet, have seen it
for yourself, and are considering how you might use it within your own business. We'll
further assume that you will be involved, in some capacity, in the creation of the content
to be delivered via your organization's website.
The following graphic identifies the key stages your organization is likely to go through
in developing a website. It also lists key steps for each stage. Each step is then
described in more detail.
Before you start creating a website for your organization, it is critical that you
develop a strategic objective for the site that is agreed upon by all key players. This is
the only way to avoid false starts and dissatisfaction with the end product. The following
steps will help ensure success.
Step 1 - Determine Executive Sponsor Goals
We're defining "executive sponsor" here as a key executive who wants an Internet
presence, has the authority to commit resources, and has influence with potential
stakeholders across the organization. What is her/his broad goal for the site? To register
a better presence than key competitors? To identify new markets? To create public goodwill
for the organization?
Step 2 - Identify Stakeholders and Their Objectives
Identify people of influence in the organization who will be affected by the success of
the website if the Executive Sponsor's goals are to be realized. These will almost
certainly be key stakeholders. For instance, if the Executive Sponsor wants to increase
market share, the VP of Sales (or a key representative such as a regional sales manager)
is likely to be an important stakeholder.
In building your stakeholder team, you may also want to look for people in the
organization who are already knowledgeable users of the Internet. They can help the team
with the next step.
Step 3 - Learn All You Can About the Web
Experience what is possible by taking some time (one or two days is not excessive) to
explore the Web. See how other organizations are using the facility. Look at your
competitors' sites, but also look at business sites seemingly unrelated to your own
business. Encourage other stakeholders in your organization to do the same. Share with
each other the websites you find particularly interesting and appealing. Also note
techniques that turn you off.
Be sure you understand basic website design principles. If possible, visit a few of the
same sites using different browsers, computers, and platforms and notice the variations in
what you see. The contents of the following box explain some of the critical basics that
lead to these viewing differences.
Internet is Document-based/Viewer Controlled
Step 4 - Identify Potential Uses
In seeking possible uses of the Web that might benefit your organization, you may wish to
refer back to the table in the Focus section to trigger some ideas, but don't let it limit
your imagination. Every day, organizations find new ways to use the Web. Encourage the
team to brainstorm first, then narrow its focus to no more than three potential
Step 5 - Reach Consensus
Avoid the temptation to create a site that is all things to all people. Working with the
other stakeholders, reach agreement regarding the one website purpose for your
organization with the highest business potential, keeping in mind the Executive Sponsor's
broad goals for the site. This is probably the single most critical task to accomplish
before your team begins creating the website.
If it is absolutely necessary to accomplish more than one purpose, consider creating two
small, discrete but interlinked sites, each dedicated to a specific purpose. This is far
preferable to creating a single site so complex the viewer has to drill down through a
maze of screens and menus.
Step 6 -Obtain Executive Sponsor Agreement
Present the team's ideas to the Executive Sponsor to gain acceptance. If possible, It can
help to show her/him existing websites that have incorporated some of your ideas.
The purpose of Stage 2 is to design a partial website prototype that will demonstrate
the navigational and design features of your site and help you test and sell them. Here
are some tips for each step of the process.
Step 1 - Design the Navigational Structure
If you can accomplish your purpose with a single-level menu, that is ideal. Two menu
levels are also easy for the viewers to track. But, if the viewer must navigate beyond
three levels to reach a topic, your structure is probably too complex or you are trying to
accomplish too much with a single site.
Be sure viewers have a means for recognizing what menu options they have already visited
and which they have not. This can be done by changing the color of each option selected,
graying it out, or by other visual alteration.
Step 2 - Build and Test a Prototype
You can build a skeleton website and put it on the Net for internal testing. The prototype
may contain one complete section, such as the homepage, plus headings and dummy copy for
other sections. This makes it easy for stakeholders, regardless of their location, to
review the prototype and react to navigational and other design features. You will also
probably want to include some sample graphic treatments. However, stakeholder reviewers
should discourage those uninvolved from visiting the prototype site.
At minimum, test your prototype website on the two most popular platforms'-the PC and the
Macintosh. You should also view it on a variety of the most popular browsers and a variety
of monitors, including lap-top LCD displays and moderately-priced monitors, if you
anticipate those will be used by the clients you wish to attract.
Once you have general agreement on the prototype design elements, you are ready for...
With your prototype, you are already well under way. You're design team will probably
be accomplishing Steps 1 and 2 of this stage somewhat concurrently.
Step 1 - Create the Copy
If you plan to use existing organizational literature, assume from the outset that it will
need to be restructured and rewritten. In rewrites, focus on what the viewer is likely to
want from your site, not on mere facts about your organization. As much as possible, write
as though answering viewer questions, not about your organization.
Many of the principles that result in good print design also apply to website design:
If you plan to use the website to distribute your organization's publications (white
papers, newsletters, product data sheets, etc.) there are some special design
considerations. Split up long documents the viewer is likely to want to print or download
into meaningful sections. (Each section becomes a subfile.) Then the viewer has the option
of printing the entire document or only certain sections.
Step 2 - Create and Insert Graphics, Audio, Video
World Wide Web users expect graphics. The Internet is viewed as a visual (and
increasingly, audio and video) medium. Nevertheless, your message should drive graphics
and media selection, not the other way around. Keep the following in mind:
Consider the platforms your intended audiences are likely to be using. The more
"bells and whistles" you incorporate, the more potential clients you may lock
out. There are more net users who do not have audio and video capability than users who
do. Naturally, this will change over time, but you can also upgrade your website over
Step 3 -Test the Site
There are two diametrically opposed viewpoints with regard to testing and releasing
websites to the public:
Your organization's business philosophy will dictate which strategy you use.
Regardless, it is a good idea to ask a few outsiders whose judgement you trust (loyal
clients, business associates in other organizations) to visit the site and give you
constructive feedback.
You can use search engine automation to "broadcast" your site, but
traditional techniques often get faster results. (Some of the most popular search engines
are Yahoo, Lycos, Magellan, and InfoSeek. There are literally dozens of others.)
Step 1 - Submit the Site to Selected Search Engine Companies
To help potential clients find your site, you need to understand how Internet search
engines work. The classification algorithms search engines use vary, and each search
engine"spider" uses different methods for identifying new websites. Check out
search engine HELP pages to learn more about each one's specific methods.
Here are some general tips for ensuring clients are able to find your site when using
search engines:
Step 2 - Use Focused Advertising
For fastest results, don't rely just on search engines. Promote your site in ads,
newsletters, mailed announcements, and new/revised marketing literature.
Many organizations are experimenting with the Internet as an alternative way of
delivering some of the training and documentation they now provide in more traditional
Projects now exist to perform interactive testing, test scoring, and reporting. Some
organizations now use the Internet's mail and file transfer capabilities to distribute
courseware and maintain student enrollment/completion data. There are even attempts to
provide Internet-based, interactive training, as well as other forms of distance learning.
(Refer to the Volume 8, #2 issue of Pathways for more on the topic of distance learning.)
Organizations are also looking at the Net as a facility for distributing product
Creating an effective, useful website is a non-trivial task. If website
design is peripheral to your areas of expertise, but you have been tasked with developing
a website for your organization, you may want to consider seeking expert help.
Van O. Wright, Ph.D.
©Copyright 1996 FLI, Incorporated
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World Wide Web site for use within your organization only. When you copy documents, in
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