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Client: Major global financial organization

Client Objectives: The client wished to re-engineer their approach to information systems (I/S) by introducing a single, unified group to provide information systems support and then implement systems management processes.

Issues: Many overlapping groups had been providing information systems support for the institution, producing results at varying levels of quality, and employing diverse platforms and widely differing approaches to systems management. To correct the problem, a unified electronic information processing unit was formed from the diverse I/S groups throughout the institution. The new unit faced the task of aligning a disordered mass of people, technologies, and business processes into a smoothly functioning I/S organization that could support the strategies of the entire organization effectively and efficiently.

To ensure that the new electronic information processing unit would actually achieve its objectives, it was critical that they:

Implement process management disciplines and concepts.

Manage the organizational transformation effectively.

Solution: FLI consulted with the organization to devise a communications strategy built around a concept of performance-oriented process documentation, designed to achieve these broad objectives:

     Achieve buy-in to the various initiatives that would be

     Prepare people throughout the electronic information
     processing unit for useful work.

     Support people in the unit while they work and carry out their
     day-to-day tasks.

FLI developed a one-day seminar that contributes to "best-practice" people management and achieves buy-in by assuring that everyone within the unit understands key business objectives and strategies, their position in the scheme of things, and how they contribute to success. The seminar addresses the following areas:

  •      The needs and requirements of the organization's customers, as well as other forces that influence the organization
  •      The response of the institution in terms of strategic direction
         and goals, and the institution's expectations of its various
         business units
  •      The concepts and processes to be introduced to the I/S unit
         during implementation of systems management disciplines
  •      The stakeholders in these processes and how they interact
  •      Anticipated benefits for stakeholders, the utility, the institution
         as a whole, and its customers

FLI and the client developed a model for process-specific, performance-oriented documentation that will address two levels of detail for each of the systems management processes to be implemented.

An overview to provide an orientation to and general perspective on the process, achieving buy-in for the process and the way in which it is being implemented.

Process detail to prepare people to carry out part or all of the process, and to provide a level of support while people carry out specific tasks associated with the process.

Business Results: Of the 25 seminars conducted during the first six months of availability, every group rated their session either 'excellent' or 'very good.' From a client report of results:

"Enabled the internal staff to conduct courses effectively." "Fundamental to initiating behavioural change of (data center) staff …"

"The precedent for better communication within (the organization) has been set with this seminar, and if it folds, then the whole move towards Best Practice will be that much harder. The buy-in process is long and arduous, and the seminar has been a critical component in achieving the buy-in to date. Whilst the strategy, vision, architecture etc. may change over time, the need for this form of communication will never diminish."

Curriculum Assessment Tools
New Technology Adoption
Interactive Media
Competency Development
Develop Customer / Client Partnerships
Project Management Methodology
Introduce a New Product
Re-engineering Processes
Enter a New Market
Introduce a New Information System
Change the Sales Approach
Documentation Development